INTERVIEW CHECKLIST: How to pass any interview

Most people at some point have undergone an interview process; most commonly as a job seeker. My guess is, you are familiar with one or more of these interview anxiety symptoms;

  • Racing heart beat
  • Cracking voice
  • Excessive sweating
  • Breathing difficulty
  • Poor coordination and irrational thoughts

Thankfully, this article isn’t about interview anxiety symptoms. Relax and breathe slowly… let’s talk about “how to ace interviews with ease”.

  • NEVER GO TO AN INTERVIEW UNPREPARED. The more information you have the more confidence you have. From the time you apply for a job, begin to learn all you can about the employer (business) and their industry. Usually, a company website gives you ample information on the business, also, relevant blogs and the internet is your go to resource system anytime. You can’t go wrong with this step. Very importantly, get acquainted with the job description.

Note: If the job description says you must have excellent communication skills, problem solving skills, or emphasizes proficient computer skills – be prepared with some strong examples to answer these types of questions.


  • CREATE A FUNCTIONAL CV. Take the time to tailor your CV to match the required skill set for each job you’re applying to. Avoid the mistake of using the “one CV fits all” style. That’s an error you can easily avoid. Be careful not to overdo it though, be as sincere about your skills as possible while ensuring you use the right words too. In all these, keep it simple and concise.


  • KNOW YOUR UNIQUE SELLING POINT (USP). This is the point where you look within yourself, and recall your strengths and uniqueness as an individual. You need to ask yourself questions like, what sets you apart? What is the strongest value you can bring to the table? How do I uniquely create and recreate ideas and solve problems? etc.


  • DRESS AND LOOK YOUR BEST. It may sound a bit cliché to adopt the saying, “you are addressed the way you are dressed”, but it is fact! It has everything to do with perception. After all, you don’t want to have all the qualifications, skills and experience, and come off as unprofessional or unfit. This includes your hair, nails and overall grooming from head to toe. Your aim is to look the part… so do just that.


  • THE FAMOUS “TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF” QUESTION. It could count as a miracle not to bump into this question during a job interview… Yeah, it is famous like that. Note, it’s not an invitation to spill your family history and your woes in life (especially, things like how you need the job to survive!).


The “self” here, refers to a formal or professional context. Carefully, talk about your education, skill set, employment history, your career goals and why you want this present job. Again, be concise.


  • ENSURE YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA PROFILE IS CLEAN (REFLECTS A POSITIVE IMPRESSION OF YOUR PERSONALITY/LIFESTYLE). You may be thinking, “is the employer going to check my social media activities? Maybe or maybe not. But you don’t want to be caught off guard. Ensure that vulgar and obscene posts are not found on your watch. Keep a straight record out there, positive and intelligent content.

This list is by no means absolute. Therefore, do more research and equip yourself with more information for more confidence and higher success rate in any interview.

Good luck!



    • Daisi oluwaseun Jacob - April 9, 2021

      Well said,this is fantastic,great,motivation and very knowledgeable.thanks for this,but my question goes this? How can someone over come,been the first time of going for an interview.thanks

      • administrator - May 22, 2021

        If I get your question right, you meant to ask how can a person going for an interview for the first time overcome Performance Anxiety.

        This question may not be easily answered in a comment. We hope to write an article on that pretty soon. Please subscribe to our blog post not to miss it.

        If there is one thing such person can do, that would be to rehearse over and over again in front of a mirror or with a close friend. Also, preparation is key. Hope this helps.

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